our story

We’re tickled pink that you stopped by and I'm glad you're here because I want to invite you to our party!  Let me tell you how it all started...

When I was lucky enough to live near my big sister, we used to have the most fun Christmas Eve parties.  They were big and lavish with feasts for the eyes and the tummies and they were EXHAUSTING.  In the middle of the last minute rush that always happens when getting all the food to the table hot, we always swore we would go simple next time but during clean up we would slip into what we dubbed "post-party depression".  So the next day (at the latest) we'd start talking about the theme for next year and what menu will we want and oooh! we should get 'xyz' decorations and 'abc' entertainment, etc, etc, etc.

I finally realized that planning parties is what brings me joy and is my favorite creative outlet plus I love seeing the happiness celebrations bring to friends and family so that is how come home was born.  There are so many things in life worth celebrating and we want inspire you to party on the regular by providing you with the tools and supplies you need to come home and party with your flock!



PS make sure to add help@comehomeshop.com to your safe senders list so you don't miss the next invitation!

PPS see you soon!


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